This was enough to let Debbie grab one arm and quickly twist it behind my back. She moved it quick- ly upward and it began to throb in pain. I cried out, "Don't, it hurts!" She answered back that I knew what to say to stop it. I could not bring myself to do it.

The pain was increased however and, with real tears falling, I said, "I am a submissive, feminine young lady." Debbie demanded that I say it as though I meant it. I was forced to repeat it and, with the pain in my arm and body, I must say that I was most con- vincing.

Debbie let loose of me and she had a smile of superiority, such as I have never seen. I fell back- ward onto my back on the grass. The tears were fall- ing and Debbie did not help when she commented that the crying was typical of a subservient young lady.

We looked at each other for a minute or so. Deb- bie then spoke. "I can't tell you how disappointed I have been in your lack of manliness. I really thought I was going with someone I could really care for. But now I see that the girls are right about you. You are more girl than boy!" I felt sick as she pounded home her points.

'Well, I've made a mistake; so you're through as a boyfriend to me.... But that does not mean that you should not be a friend, because I still like you... But now, as a girlfriend. You've lost the wrestling match, so now you must accept the consequences. And I'm not going to take any nonsense from you eith- er, do you understand?" Her words were menacing and I managed a shake of the head.

Debbie continued. "For one thing, as far as I'm concerned, you're no longer "Merrill", but I shall hereafter call you, more appropriately, "Marilyn". Do you like that?

I started to shake my head and say "no", when she brought her hand across my face, not heavily but enough to hurt. I quickly said, "Yes. Yes,Don't hit me! "
